
IG Episode 5 - Podcast Episode Art.png

Podcast Appearance

The Circle of Change podcast explores the stories of Math'ieya, Jennifer and Stephani who are trailblazers in the world of leadership, deeply rooted in community, exploring the edges, and bravely stepping into conversations
that are needed to reduce inequities, resolve systemic
racism and bring reconciliation to life.

3 Free PDF Resources


Assessing your leadership readiness for innovation PDF

If you want to assess your leadership skills for leading in chaos and disruption download this tool.


Thriving in chaos and
disruption PDF

At Bravespark Leadership we believe that chaos, conflict and disruption are opportunities. 

Thriving in chaos and disruption.png

A Recipe for Collaboration.png

A recipe for collaboration PDF

When we lead transformational group processes there is often this magical moment where it seems the conversation suddenly shifts from individual needs to collective possibility. We’ve stepped back to reflect on what might be happening to enable the depth of collaboration that is created and come up with a couple of ingredients that need to be present to go into the recipe.

Video Resources

July 20: "Ask us Anything" This weeks question is a powerful one that encouraged us to pause and reflect on our own past relationship with chaos and disrupti...
July 28: "Ask us Anything" Who are the leaders you look up to and what leadership qualities do you see in them? Some of the leaders we identified exemplify l...