
We’re committed to wholeheartedly guiding your transformational journey.

Widen perspectives, bring people together, generate creativity, and solve problems to make a difference in the systems, organizations, and communities you passionately contribute to.

Math’ieya, Jennifer and Stephani are available for customized and curated offerings for your organization or team. Please contact us to discuss potential opportunities.


Our Team

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Jennifer England

“I am passionate about our collective growth and development to create a just and sustainable world. I love the moments when tension and separation is liberated with our curiosity, compassion, and heart-centered truth-telling.”



Stephani Roy McCallum

“I believe that brave, honest conversations are how we solve the problems in our lives, organizations and communities. I love the moments when leaders see what they are truly capable of, contributing to making positive change real in the world.”


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Math’ieya Alatini

“I am an Indigenous person who has always existed in and bridged two worlds of knowing and doing.  I love seeing the “aha” moments and witnessing the growth journey as people embrace their uniqueness and power.”



“In the end it’s people that matter to me. People, and the shift from conflict to possibility that happens when we have Brave, Honest Conversations together. Conversations that change each of us, and the world around us too.”

— Stephani Roy McCallum

“Math’ieya has been able to tackle very big elephants in many rooms. Previously these elephants were ignored or avoided, at the cost of healthy group functioning and successful programs. She is courageous and inspires other leaders to take a stand for real change.”

— Client